Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mahalo! (or "Jesse is an Internet Whore")

Word up peeps. So I've been debating whether or not to post about this, because I don't want to be an internet whore or anything, but I decided that this actually is cool enough to post about. Or maybe I'm just a whore.

So here it goes. I've got this new search engine thing I've been working for for a month or so now called Mahalo, and they've just launched a new Firefox add-on.

Here's my link, click to download it: Mahalo Follow

The whole point of Mahalo is eliminating spam pages from searches, so you're not getting any spyware/adware with it. I promise. I wouldn't post about if there was any. I might be a internet whore, but I'm not a dirty whore. They're running a contest to try to get their part-time employees to spread the word on it, and I'm as of now winning an iPod shuffle, but could get an iPhone or a sweet new iMac if enough people download it from me.

I get 100 points for anyone who installs it and searches just once, so install it, restart Firefox, check it out, and then uninstall it if you don't like it.

I honestly think this is really cool though. This is a nice new idea for a search engine, a bunch of links on a single topic, hand picked by actual people, in one place with no spam pages included in the search. Then send your friends/enemies/parents/dogs/etc over here and have them download it from me. Or just send them the link. But make sure its mine so I get points. :)

Post comments and tell me what you like/don't like/any problems you have with it. I can get them straight to the programmers. I'm just good like that. :) Here's the contest page if anyone cares to watch my progress: Mahalo Follow Contest. I'm Jnpeacoc.

Oh and check it out, I'm a superstar. Go to, 2 of my guides have gotten picked as "1 of our 5 favorite pages this week." For "Eternal Darkness (video game)" and "Pride and Prejudice" Because I'm a video game who was an English major who lays back and soaks up positive reinforcement. And an internet whore. Oh yeah, and a med student every now and then.

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