Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Either I love being a doctor...

...or I'll do anything not to study.

I spent a good 40 min today removing a friend's bloody earwax. And I was disappointed when the other ear was okay.


Katie said...

I'm also kind of disappointed everything was okay. That story could have been a lot cooler........for everyone but your friend. But at least your friend is okay.

Michelle, Bethany, Zach & James said...

OK, so for people who like things to go wrong...the bloody ear was my fault. Well sort of. its his fault for never cleaning his ear so that is was sooo bad that when I tugged on the HUGE chunk of wax (b/c peroxide and flushing with water was not cutting it), a hard chunk scraped the bottom portion of the canal. And there is still more in there. And he still can't hear of out of that ear. But I decided I should stop b/c I didn't want to risk piercing his eardrum.